Wednesday, March 19, 2008

-enter title here-

ok... i got the MSN virus today... it sucks!
whats the fun of spreading viruses?
like hell, those who like making and/or spreading them must die!
cuz i HATE irritating things and a virus on my pc is #1 on the irritation list...

anyway i signed in @ (dutch site) cuz i was totaly BORED! didnt changed yet...
and the downloads today are SLOOOOOW!!! 1 game, 5 anime ep. and some updates for my laptop... its gona take 43 hours, 27 minutes and 56 seconds... (yup, thats long)

nothing much to say anymore so... thats it

~Jeroen Schindeler
(please comment)

1 comment:

Yusunoha said...

msn is bad, VERY BAD!!! xD

and lol, same for hyves xD don't have one myself, but sadly enough I've to admit I did have a cu2 in the past _[=]_O

being an ass is lol
