Sunday, October 12, 2008

k, i need a break...

the lack of motivation has put me into the mood of taking a break...
the main reason is that get max 1 visitor a week now...

im gona spend my break usefully by thinking of ways to promote this blog.
if you got some idea's or want to promote, leave a comment!

and this means not farewell, but i just dont find it nessisery to post here 1-2 time a week for just 1 person...

~jeroen schindeler
(comment if you got idea's or wana promote)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

sorry that i didnt post for a short time, im depressed and sick...
im sick now for almost 2 weeks, and hell is it boring...
school is more fun than this and i dont say that fast!

to kill the time i started to download anime and jpop more actively (for people that dont know what jpop is, Google it)
download speed is horribly slow but i got time...

im also thinking to get to know the readers of this blog better, the shoutbox is nice but... i need something better... any idea's?

~Jeroen Schindeler
(comment please!)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

getting up on 06:30 is hard...

nothing really happened last week, at school they talked about the classes and the exam...
and today i have another short day at school, just a small 4 hours

the lack of topics to talk about is irritating me...
so i update this later this day


lol, forgot to edit this yesterday... sorry!

got in a fight with my mom (words only) cuz she thinks she knows everything about me... which she absolutely dont...
after that i had locked myself up in my in room cuz i was not in the mood to see her again that day...
at dinner time i HAD to come cuz i need to eat too...
we discussed the fact that i want to life on myself from this day on
and we now are working on it

that was yesterday, a day full of suck

~Jeroen Schindeler
(comment please)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ah yes, school...

so that started too for me, first i thought "piece of cake, i will be free soon..." but now i had my first day i remember how shitty school was...

this year will be my exam year, and that means 9 months following lessons, exam and im done with school!!!

my workless days will end soon too, i maybe get a part-time job @ the local store here, time to earn some cash~!
im gona start saving for a scooter... cuz i need speed (and im just lazy)

~Jeroen Schindeler
(comment please)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

sorry that i didnt post here for a while, i just was a bit to lazy for it... thats where vacation is for anyway...

speaking of vacation, ITS ALMOST OVER DAMMIT!
i have 5 days of lazyness before my exam year begins...
damn, its gona be a year full of study and homework...

i see that the visitor counter slowly stopped increasing, thats bad
maybe after a week im going to post here regularly again

and not much happened after my birthday so nothing to say here
so that means this is already the end of my post today

~Jeroen schindeler
(comment please~ <3)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

yay~ its my birthday!

im finally 17!!! an i already got awesome gifts!
i will list them :P

what i have so far...
- webcam
- better subwoofer for my laptop
- 20,- euro
- DVD station
(and still more is coming!)

we also have a new cat, called Peter
Peter is a Europian Shorthair and very playful
we got it from a pound near here

also, my vacation on Texel has ended (sadly)
wish i still was there...

dont forget to watch my pictures!
goldrage on deviantART

~Jeroen Schindeler
(please comment)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

texel does has internet!
that means i can still life my normal live!

and i got a new camera!
so i packed my bag and walked around the island...
it wasnt a big tour cuz it suddenly began to rain, so i was forced to rush back home

if your interested in my pictures you can go to here

~Jeroen Schindeler
(please comment)

Friday, July 18, 2008

im going on vacation today... that means im not online for two weeks...

i cannot make this a big post either, cuz i get to go in like 45 minutes!!!
(i kinda overslept cuz i had to wake up 3 hours earlier...)

now i must pack my bags so.... cya!

~Jeroen Schindeler
(i cannot reply to your comment for 2 weeks, but still comment!)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

its hot... like hell...

i finally got Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii!
played and owned easy, so starting up in medium...

my cat died recently, and im damn sad about it
she was an old cat of 18, named Doerak
didnt hurt a fly, even if she could (cuz she was kinda a very simple minded cat)

~Jeroen Schindeler
(please comment)

Monday, June 30, 2008

k... vacation started bad...

first there was boredom, followed by more boredom and i guess there is lots of boredom coming the next few days...

today i had an idea to break away from that endless cycle of B-dom... but failed... what was my plan?
i wanted to buy Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii today but non of the stores that sold them had them... cuz game transport sucks...

so i brought a game for the Nintendo DS, also fail... cover looked great, details on back to, so i brought it and played... then came to the conclusion that the game was extremely hard and had almost no story...

also brought a Xvid converter... now i can finally watch more anime in quality and style...

that makes it all an expensive start of my vacation days! and still many thing that im gona buy...

its now a day later, slept very badly cuz some fly's kept me awake... im also thinking of returning the DS game, instead of just playing it (that was my first plan)
that means i have to get on my bike and go like 10km for being 10 min in a store and then 10km back... all what i do for a small little game... and yes, its worth the ride, cuz my current DS game sucks like hell...

today went better that expected, game returned for a good one, The End...

~Jeroen Schindeler
(please comment)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

lol, short absence and many things happened....

first is that i had to increase my amount of my pills, i have 10 and had to go to 20mg... but it failed....
A. i didnt really function with 20mg
B. i was allergic to 20mg

so im back to 10mg again and i feel great!
so now im myself again and got a cold....

today my laptop almost died but with tons of patient and good luck i managed to fix it

and lol, i have 200+ visits in such a short time... luck IS on my side this week

~Jeroen Schindeler
(please comment)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

yay~ to my new pills that keep me happy!

yes, i finally got some new pills and they work like crazy!
im happy, motivated and filled with energy!
to bad i got sick...

and lol, i got a letter from Dienstplicht!
asking me if i want to join the army... hell no!
working hard to defend my ass outside my cave, dont sounds very attractive to me...
il just stay here and be lazy!

and to be clear to all here, im back and gona post here more again!

~Jeroen Schindeler
(please comment again)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

you wont see me much the next days or so...
im super depressed and the thoughts of killing myself to get rid of this crappy life have already been in mind.
not that i want to kill myself but im continually think about it, cant realy help it

why im posting this is cuz i want to share my feelings with the world,
thats it

~jeroen schindeler

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

w00t! downloaded a couple of songs and hell they rock....

yes, i became super lifeless for a short while and used Limewire to download 30 tracks of dragonforce!
lucky for you guys i uploaded for a friend and will also post it here!

- Dragonforce download!

(after the next post is placed this link will move to a special spot @ my blog)

today was my first day @ school after the (to short) vacation!
IT WAS FREAKIN HOT!!! and not the usual hot, but the "to hot to enjoy" hot...
so that kinda sucked...

i might gona get a new tv (my current remoteless thing is from the stone age or something...)
just for €15,- i can get an almost not used tv WITH a remote!

and its only getting better and better cuz today or tomorrow i will get my 500GB EHD!!! (external hard drive)
and i only have to pay €25,50~

next time i will tell how this ends...

~jeroen schindeler

Thursday, May 8, 2008

lol, i kinda promised that i post here today...

yesterday i was @ amsterdam! watched the movie ''meet the spartans'' and i seriously lold about it...
i was the last person that left the cinema and you could see those people that work there thinking 'hurry up! i want to go home!!!'
so i decided to walk out SLOWLY

and yes, you can guess it, i was playing grand chase (ANOTHER mmorpg that im playing an being addicted to) non-stop to so nothing to tell here again... SORRY!!!!

~jeroen schindeler
(comment like ©®@ZY)

Monday, May 5, 2008

OMG!!!! more then 100 pageviews!!!
i need to make a simple art to celebrate this small event... maybe later
(seriously, i didnt thought that this would been read!)

im gona download some more mmorpg's cuz i need small breaks between the games...
if you (yes you) got some low req. mmorpg's laying around that are fun to play, PLEASE COMMENT!!!!
or be a lazy ass and say it in the shoutbox.... (that's what i would do)

[celebration art goes here, someday]

~Jeroen Schindeler

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


w00t to my new addiction! FLYFF!!!!
im playing non-stop flyff now cuz it RULEZ, and it is playable on my laptop and that is a small miracle.

today was 'koninginendag' and i didnt pay any attention to it... (normal people goes on the street selling there crap and buying others)

nothing realy to place here cuz i dont do anything besides flyff, eating and sleeping so...

my fucking hd died so im SUPER PISSED right now...
all my shit and stuff was on that stupid thing so... tomorrow i must go to a store to get professional help with that piece of crap and hope to restore as much as possible...

~Jeroen Schindeler
(comment not needed, im pissed)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

im cured!

yes, im not depressed anymore!

anyway, some people want me to put a shoutbox on my blog... it will happen! (SOON)
and why soon? cuz im playing a (new) MMORPG!!!!

the mmorpg im playing is called ''Flyff'' and is very easy to play.
its even better than the last mmorpg i was playing! (Endless Online)
better graphics, gameplay, quests... almost everything is better!!!
(i love good games that works on crappy pc's and shitty laptops)

lucky for me its vacation so i can play non-stop for days... (earlier on this blog i told you i got a life, well... forget that part, im lifeless)

now im going to install the shoutbox... i hope...

~Jeroen Schindeler

Thursday, April 24, 2008

week 02 / fuck it...

yes, this blog IS getting unpopular...

great... week 02 of my ''full day's to school'' plan SUCKED!!!!
why the title? well... @ tuesday i got depressed.... and still are...
so nothing really happened this week.

im a bit lucky cuz today and tomorrow (friday) i got free from school cuz im just to depressed to do anything ''useful'', not that i did any thing useful there but

i hope this blog start to get a bit more popular, cuz it kinda demotivates me if i write all this for just 3-4 people...

~jeroen schindeler

Sunday, April 20, 2008

week 01

i get the feeling that my blog is getting unpopular by some reason... ah hell...

so... last week sucked...
i forgot how suckish it is to go to school WHOLE DAYS!!!
friday i was tired like hell!
i hope i gona get used to this or else im dead...

anyway, i played and owned Gituar Hero 3 this weekend. (non stop!!!)
this is how it went:
day 1: learned how to play and became rock legend
day 2: bought all songs and played them like crazy
pretty lifeless eh? im proud of it!

~jeroen schindeler
(make yourself usefull this time and COMMENT!!!)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

w00t! internet!

yay~ my internet is fixed again!
means i can finally life normally (for me, it is)

and other ''great'' news; i can go WHOLE days to school again! yay!
(for those who didnt know yet, i am mentally incorrect cuz i have a kinda a"youth trauma" thing...)
1 step closer to freedom!!!
but yea, im gona miss those lazy days...

nothing really happened since the internet was down... school was boring as always and all i did @ home was watching tv and sleep the boredom away... (see what internet means to me?)

this week i wil never forget... why?
cuz i ate freakin ostrich meat!!! and it was yummy!!! you should try it to!!!

im gona download tons of files again so... cya!

~Jeroen Schindeler
(please vote and comment)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

i keep this short

internet is failing me...
i got almost no internet so i MUST keep this short...


~Jeroen Schindeler
(please comment...)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

-enter title here-

ok... i got the MSN virus today... it sucks!
whats the fun of spreading viruses?
like hell, those who like making and/or spreading them must die!
cuz i HATE irritating things and a virus on my pc is #1 on the irritation list...

anyway i signed in @ (dutch site) cuz i was totaly BORED! didnt changed yet...
and the downloads today are SLOOOOOW!!! 1 game, 5 anime ep. and some updates for my laptop... its gona take 43 hours, 27 minutes and 56 seconds... (yup, thats long)

nothing much to say anymore so... thats it

~Jeroen Schindeler
(please comment)

Monday, March 17, 2008


im not realy in to mood to do this but... hell, gota do something...

finally got the laptop and downloaded/watched a movie on it...
it was kinda a sad movie, but it had great humor!
and i like that kind of movies... btw, the title of the movie is Clannad Movie (anime movie)
maybe il upload it and post it here so you can wacht it to (but first, download realplayer! you need it!)

ahhh... boredom...
its to early to sleep, to late for a short nap... (22:06)

gota continue... O_O

school was boring also, 4 hours of nothing and eating.
its fun if its gona be that everyday.

~Jeroen Schindeler
(you know what you have to do)

Friday, March 14, 2008


i have good news!
i can trade my crappy laptop for my dad's (and that isnt a crappy laptop, its a hell better)

great news, but it has also a downside... (sure.... why not)
now i have to move ALL the files i got to my external HDD, and lol... some things can never be seen by others.

~Jeroen Schindeler

Thursday, March 13, 2008

the laptop returns,,,

today i got my laptop back for the repair shop, guess what...
they say it was but when i plugged in my speakers, i get the same shit like before i let it get ''repaired''
damn im pissed... cuz i have to return the laptop, and life 2-3 days without it... AGAIN!!!

anyway, i cant really write about the mmorpg cuz i cant play it, so i tell you more about the things i did at school... (here comes boredom...)

ok... school... well, i do hate my teachers alot (most of them)
so who do i get early in the morning: one of the most IRRITATING teacher from school...
she told me that i was very late (like 5 min.)
duh, it was storming outside!!! it took me a whole freakin hour and 5 min. to get my ass to school! (she must be thankful, i almost turned back home after i fell of my bike... but no, i HAD to go on...)
so i yelled at her... and not just a little... it was like 10 min. full of cursing...
the rest of the day you can guess can guess... it was awful...

time to pack up and get this thing repaired... (i hope...)

~ Jeroen Schindeler
(please comment and vote!)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


finally my laptop's sound is gona be fixed!
after 3-4 months without any sound coming outa my speakers, i get a free repair! (lucky!)

i looked at the poll and saw 100% at more mmorpg (duh, 1 vote...)
so here i go:

the mmorpg where im talked about is named Endless Online (or eo for short), a "forever free to play" mmorpg.
the graphics arent that great but its fun to play.
what did i do today on eo:
- auto-cursed at wandering people (its normally called auto-talk, but the way i just it...)
- trained a bit (BORING!)
- talked a lot with my guild
- talked a bit to strangers
- hacked some things (yes, im a hacker!)

not so bad i think, it was fun

~Jeroen Schindeler
(please comment and vote @ poll)

Sunday, March 9, 2008


the last few days where great, cuz nothing bad happened to me!
sure, if you only play a mmorpg for days, not much bad things can ruin your day. xD

anyway, playing a mmorpg for days sounds lifeless... and it is!
but im doing it cuz i hate to go outside and watching tv the whole day isnt fun either...

im thinking of making a poll here, only need some good questions...

gota go now, il edit this later.


bad new for tomorrow... i get a blood control!
that means needles! i hate needles!
they gona check if i dont got any weird disease or something...
but that also means, no school in the morning! (and i only got school in the morning!)

about the poll, after this im gona make one so...

~Jeroen Schindeler
(and not forget to post a comment!)

Thursday, March 6, 2008


after being sick for 2 days im glad its over...
i HATE to being sick! >_<

so im downloading anime and manga's and there was the first problem of today... my internet connection is acting retarded, which means SLOW downloads...
so waiting for the downloads to finish, i played Legend Of Zelda again (thank god its a long game)

later today i did go to the doctor for some pills to temper my anger and shit (and i freakin hate pills!)
yea i got anger issues, so what! if you got problems with it... tell me :)

tomorrow i hear when my laptop is going to be fixed and i hope as soon as possible!
that was it for today so... cya!

~Jeroen Schindeler

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Damn... vacation is over and tomorrow i must go to school again...
Not that i hate school but i hate to go outside!
Why? Cuz people stare at you, the sun is to bright and the lack of interests makes it irritating.

Ok, now a warning for all you noobish limewire users:
Check twice before downloading... most files are spam or viruses, even music files!
Im saying this cuz i downloaded 12 files and 4 of them where trojan horses...

Im gona play endless online again so im keeping this short today.
(endless online is a simple mmorpg)

~Jeroen Schindeler

Monday, February 25, 2008


To make it clear for everyone, im not gona post here every day... cuz then it would be boring to read, my life isn't that special.

like today, its vacation now and i got really bored. (and irritated because my crappy laptop isnt as fast like i want to...)
So i played Legend Of Zelda again, got stuck, so i gave up and crawled to my laptop to find a walktrough, you can find really good cheats and walktrough's on, and after 10 min. i found what i was looking for and began playing the game again... THAT WAS THE WHOLE DAY!!!

did you find that interesting? well i don't so i'm not gona post everyday, I HAVE A LIFE!!! (no realy, i have!)

tomorrow is a great day for me cuz then i get a free Mac pc!!!
no internet on that thing but yay~ something better that the piece of **** where i'm currently working on!

thats it for today.

~Jeroen Shindeler

(please comment)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

and it all has started...

pure boredom got me thinkin and i thought ''hey, why dont i make my own blog with my random sh*t on it?''

Lets get started then:

today, 22:43,

im very irritated now cuz i just cant find some good songs to listen to... im searching for 2 hours i think... so damn, finding music that fits your emotions isnt as easy as it sounds.

but the rest of the day wasnt special either, played Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princes the whole day long, i did take some breaks now and then, spend them on the internet (yes, my life is useless without my laptop, internet and tv but who cares anyway...)

Just finished my last glass of coca cola, and now i dont have any cola anymore... damn it... i NEED cola or il start to drink ''healthy fruit drinks'' and i hate those!

so today was one of the could-be-better days

~Jeroen Schindeler

(comments are welcome)

being an ass is lol
